Excellent goods and just a wonderful seller) 1. came earlier than the specified period, sent quickly, VME tracked, came with a sdecom, a box in a box, inside everything is packed in a molded cardboard, and a complete. Collect is not difficult, only brushes to put on, works from the Mi Home application, the app downloads everything itself, Modes in the application can be chosen, the map is somehow strange, but draws) 2. Vacuum cleaner Super, carpet with difficulty, but passes, goes snake, does not pass anything, on the skirting runs at the end of the cleaning more detailed, especially if at the beginning of the rag wet with a means for the floor) While the trash was still in its trash. 3. the seller-handsome, goes to dialogue, there was an additional coupon, helped with the cancellation and new checkout! -- In general, thank you very much to the seller huge and I recommend 100%! Tell me, why does not it remove the trash in its garbage? The light bulb is white, starts to shoot on the collection and after 3 seconds it stops burning red, the trash in the end does not drop into its container, it works properly.